Season 6 Premieres Feb. 6, 2024!!!

Erykah Badu: Baduizm (1997). Enter The Goddess...

The crew looks back at Erykah Badu's debut album Baduizm. In a what was becoming a burgeoning sub genre of neo-soul, the Brooklyn-born, Dallas-raised songstress burst onto the scene with a style not typically seen by R&B ladies during that time. With her trademark head wraps and dialed down attire that harkened towards the heyday of Afrocentrism, she blew critics and fans away with music that was equal parts soul, jazz and hip-hop and voice that drew comparisons to the legendary Billie Holiday. Her music touched on topics such as love, despair, insecurity, dilemmas and liberation. Badu's appeal brought her fans from young and old alike.

This album, along with D'Angelo's Brown Sugar and Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite signified a major shift of towards to commercial viability of neo-soul acts which would explode in the late 90s into the 2000s.

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Show Notes

Blavity: Happy 25th B-Day to "Baduizm"

Albumism: Erykah Badu's Debut Album "Baduizm" Turns 25 | Anniversary Retrospective

Essence: Erykah Badu on the 25th Anniversary of Baduizm

Pitchfork: Where Neo-Soul Began: 20 Years of "Baduizm"

UDiscoverMusic: Baduizm-The Album That Crowned Erykah High Priestess of Neo Soul